socially intelligent
In the book 101 Essays that will change the way you think, chapter 5: 16 Signs of a Socially Intelligent Person, a statement triggered me to write this article.
“They do not speak in definitives about people, politics, or ideas.
To sound unintelligent is to say, “ This idea is wrong.”
In fact: That idea may be wrong for you, but it exists because it is right for someone else.
Intelligent people say, “I don’t personally understand this idea or agree with it.”
To speak definitively about any one person or idea is to be blind to the multitude of perspectives that exist on it. It is the definition of closed-minded and short-sightedness.
Brianna Wiest, 101 ESSAYS that will CHANGE the way YOU THINK
This part reminds me of an insight from one of my friends about ultimate words such as “always” and “never” that I agree with, those words are somehow dangerous.
What if you said that you always being late? Then, if you are on time, do you feel it is you or someone else? Does that word stop you from being an on-time person?
What if there is an idea that the government upgrades the Pedulilindungi app to become Satu Sehat app to integrate all of the health information and resource in just one single app?
Then, you disagree because Apps is not the solution for people in the rural area. But don’t you think that this situation really helps people in the city first? Then, the government can prepare and upgrade the readiness of rural area people so they can also access this app, right?
Another example is.
You might say that your friend's statement about loneliness was totally wrong. You said, “You’re weak. It is just a new city, you can go strolling alone by your own self. Don’t be afraid”
But what if your friend had a bad experience of going outside alone that made her become so skeptical and afraid to go outside alone, even just for a walk?. It is her.
There is always a reason behind someone's statement and decision.
Try to see the wider perspective, try to put yourself in their shoes, and understand why.
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